1. Take regular lessons. Plan to go every week and take longer lessons if you can.
2. Be prepared for your lessons and be ready on time. If you are not ready on time, it is your money you are wasting!
3. at the start of each lesson we will have a brief recap of the previous lesson, and set objectives for the lesson to come. This way you will know what you are trying to achieve each time.
4. At the end of each lesson we will summarise what has been achieved and any key points to carry over to the next lessons.
5. The course of lessons will be structured in such a way that means each lesson follows on from the last. This reduces the amount of new skills that you have to take on each time.
6. Between lessons you should take time to reflect upon, and self evaluate your performance during each lesson. If there was something particular that you had a problem with, you may be able to come up with a way around it ready for next time. Discuss your ideas with me at the start of the next lesson. We can both achieve much more if we work as a team!
7. Make sure that you feel both confident and have the ability to drive unaided before taking your test. Neither confidence or ability are any good on their own. You need both in equal measure to succeed.
8. Listen to the professional advice given to you. Don’t follow gossip and rumours from your friends. They may mean well, but they can easily spread confusion in your mind about how you should drive. If in doubt ask me, I will help you decide if there is any merit to their ‘advice’.
9. Try to think positive!Before you go for your test you will be able to drive safely to the required standard, otherwise you would not have been encouraged to take your test in the first place.
10. On test, drive as you normally do! Examiners are not looking for miracles, just a simple, safe drive will do fine. Don’t try to impress. Just do the things you have been used to doing during your lessons.